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Fill in domestic express delivery information
Kind reminder: The tracking number is the only identifier for your transit order. Please do not disclose the tracking number to anyone;
Fill in the information of the goods to be transported
ProductName | Warehouse | Product link | Product Picture link | Price | Number | Remarks | Operation |
- Kind Reminder:
- 1. At the request of customs, all packages arriving at the warehouse will be opened for prohibited item inspection. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
- 2.If the logistics tracking number is not filled in the transfer order you submitted, please be sure to complete the logistics information within 15 days, otherwise the order will be automatically cancelled by the system.
- 3.If the domestic package you send to the warehouse does not match the transfer order in a timely manner, the warehouse will determine that the package is an abnormal item when it is signed for. The storage period for abnormal items is only 60 days. If abnormal items are detained in the warehouse for more than 60 days due to incomplete logistics information provided by the user, we will handle the transfer of goods as overdue, and the ownership of the goods will belong to the platform at that time;
- 4.Please make sure to confirm the number of packages and logistics tracking numbers with the sender in advance. If the transferred package is a single shipment of multiple items or a mother and child shipment, please submit corresponding orders for each tracking number and complete the corresponding logistics tracking number. For example, if there are three items in a single shipment with three logistics tracking numbers, you need to submit three separate transfer orders and complete the logistics tracking numbers for each of the three packages.
- 5.Due to customs policy restrictions, items such as gold jewelry, securities currency, animal and plant specimens, seeds, drugs, knives, lighters, batteries, large capacity liquids, chemical powders, etc. are not allowed to be shipped overseas. Due to customs policy restrictions, items such as gold jewelry, securities currency, animal and plant specimens, seeds, drugs, knives, lighters, batteries, large capacity liquids, chemical powders, etc. are not supported for mailing overseas.